Prize Pool Fare

BEFORE SENDING ETH: We would like to outline how the payment process works so that there is no confusion or uncertainty.

To pay the Fare:

  1. Send proper ammount of ETH + gas to provided address. ONLY SEND ETH TO PROVIDED ADDRESS, ALL OTHER COINS SENT WILL BE LOST

  2. Click the button at the bottom to redirect to the Payment Confirmation Form

  3. Enter your wallet address (so we can confirm the payment against our wallet transaction history)

  4. Enter a good email to contact you at (we will never use your email address for anything other than contacting you for confirmations and voting)

After you pay the Fare and the payment has been confirmed you will receive a confirmation email that will contain a link to the art piece submission form and the process will be complete.

Prize Pool Fare: $5 USD/ETH + ____ ETH transaction fee

Our wallet address:


We would like to take a moment to thank you for your participation in our attempt to support artists in our community.

Once you have sent your fare fill out the form accessible via the button bellow to receive your confirmation email.

Copy the address or scan our QR code